Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 1 - Speech Anxiety

Week 1 - Speech Anxiety

Q Welcome to Speech 101! You may be wondering why Public Speaking is required for your college degree. Chapter 1 in the text does a good job of relaying those reasons. If you can organize, research and present a cohesive message, you will do better in school, in work and in life. Also, as discussed in Chapter 1, anxiety is something that is real for many of us, especially when giving speeches. All of us suffer from stage fright to some extent. Some may have only a little, while others are paralyzed by the thought of speaking in public. The chapter shares some tips for dealing with your anxiety but why do we even have this fear? For your first discussion board post, watch the video below and then identify in 2 paragraphs what your own experience is with public speaking and any fear you may have and how you think this class may help. After you have submitted your post, please read through the posts of your classmates and respond to someone. Look for someone who has no comments or few comments. You will be providing feedback to their statement in 3-8 sentences. As with all assignment, tests, quizzes, and DQ's, at the end of the week, the option to complete these items will disappear. You will no longer be able to view these items in the class and they will not be available for completion.

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Hello Everyone! I've previously taken a speech class, and you could assume I'm retaking this course because it hadn't gone well for me then. Frankly I had familial issues at the time. That, mixed with the overwhelming anxiety of giving a speech, created a concoction we all know best as a withdrawal. I recall watching this video then, and it gave me a feeling of security - that is, until the actual presenting part rolled around. I struggle most with finding an interesting topic to present, and I only ever find myself comfortable if I'm speaking about something I know through and through. My best experience with this was during high school, we'd take turns presenting our artwork and allow the class to critique afterwards. Though my work held no deeper meaning to it,